Sunday, November 3, 2019

Technology and Learning

Technology is the KEY

Technology is a huge benefit to learning in the modern age. Take this class for example. Twenty years ago, getting a degree all online would be almost impossible. For gods sake, Google search engine wasn't even developed till 1998! ( I can't even imagine what I would do without Google. I use a Google application for almost all communication I do with people within my online classes. 
The importance of technology has grown rapidly over the years. It is vital for everyone to know how to type on a computer or use a cell phone. I can only think of a few jobs that someone might not use any technology, and there are not many. 
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Not only do you need to know how to use the most current technology but you also need to keep up with technology as it changes. Technology growth is always accelerating. According to this article, Technology Feels Like It's Accelerating- Because It Actually Is, the rate technology is being improved is just getting faster. This is "Because each generation of technology improves over the last, the rate of progress from version to version speeds up." ( The fact that this acceleration of technology is happening shows the importance within itself on why it is so important to learning. Even if we don't mention how much easier it can make learning or how it can help reach more learning styles, the fact that it is always changing is reason enough. As teachers, it is our duty to teach children the basics for their education. Technology is a skill that is now just as important as math or reading. It is something that needs to be taught and built on. 

The Sad Truth

What's sad is that some kids get more opportunities to learn new technologies than others. Depending on the financial status of a school district determines how much a child may learn about new technologies. My cousin lives in a wealthy district in Massachusetts and her high school has a 3D printing class. My brother goes to a less wealthily school around here and barely has a working computer lab. This puts him at a disadvantage in my opinion because technology is so important to learn.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

John Locke

John Locke

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About Locke

John Locke was born in England in the year 1632. He was known as the father of classic liberalism. He also had an influence on our founding fathers when they were creating our declaration of independence. As for his philosophies on education, one of his best known ones is tabula rasa. Tabula rasa means a clean slate. This is how Locke thought of children's minds, a blank sheet of paper. These blank minds learn different ideas and rules through different experiences. Locke also believed that the purpose of education was to produce students that would better serve his/her country. He thought that the education a person received would depend on their status in life. A common man would only need to learn the basics. Stuff like the Bible, basic manners, and basic reading and writing skills. But the more gentleman would have a more in depth education. As far as teachers go, Locke believed that it was one of the most important jobs a person could have. He said that they should be selected carefully and paid well.  

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His Theories Today

Lockes philosophies can still be seen in schools today. I've seen it first hand when I worked in a kindergarten classroom. All the kids that came into that class started as just a blank slate. You could see as we went along and taught these kids that they were just like sponges absorbing the information and making the foundations for their own thoughts. It was really incredible to be apart of this process. I personally thought it was so cool to help a kid learn to write his/her name. Every day they would get a little bit better till they could finally do it and then it was like fireworks went off for them. And I can say I taught them something that they are going to use for the rest of their lives. 
Locke thought that the purpose of education was to teach students skills that would help them serve society better. This is also true within our education system. As society evolves and jobs evolve with it what students learn is also different. Back when my grandparents were in school it was a necessary skill to know how to sow. They had classes just teaching skills for that. Now-a-days we have more computer based classes because the needed skills are different.
Locke also thought that quality of education was based on your role in society. This is true in some sense. The level of education you need to receive if you're a doctor is going to be much more thorough of that if you were going to be a teacher. Some things just require a more vigorous program is how I look at it. 
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Listen to Locke

Society today does not appreciate teachers like John Locke did. He said they needed to be selected carefully and paid well. I honestly think it is too easy to become a teacher and that sometimes the quality of teachers is not enough. But for the average pay of a teacher that's what you get. I think that teachers should be paid more to make education a more competitive field causing the quality of that education to rise. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Diversity is Important

Diversity is ImportantImage result for diversity

Diversity is a beautiful thing. It gives students and teachers from all different backgrounds the chance to learn from other peoples experiences. 

What is diversity?

Diversity is having a mix of minority and majority groups. Minority groups could consist of many things. Race, sex, class, religion, sexuality and the list could go on and on. 

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Be accepting

Don't be color blind. Accepting and celebrating diversity is essential for students and teachers alike. Everyone is different so don't pretend everyone is the same or look over these differences. Exploring these differences will teach children how to live in a world with people that are different from them. Knowing what makes people so different and diverse will help you understand how they view their world. These diverse qualities impact peoples views on almost everything, from interests to political views. 

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